yellow ribbon的词源
- yellow ribbon

- The American folk custom of wearing or displaying a yellow ribbon to signify solidarity with loved ones or fellow citizens at war originated during the U.S. embassy hostage crisis in Iran in 1979. It does not have a connection to the American Civil War, beyond the use of the old British folk song "Round Her Neck She Wore A Yellow Ribbon" in the John Wayne movie of the same name, with a Civil War setting, released in 1949. The story of a ribbon tied to a tree as a signal to a convict returning home that his loved ones have forgiven him is attested from 1959, but the ribbon in that case was white.
The ribbon color seems to have changed to yellow first in a version retold by newspaper columnist Pete Hamill in 1971. The story was dramatized in June 1972 on ABC-TV (James Earl Jones played the ex-con). Later that year, Irwin Levine and L. Russell Brown copyrighted the song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree," which became a pop hit in early 1973 and sparked a lawsuit by Hamill, later dropped.
In 1975, the wife of a Watergate conspirator put out yellow ribbons when her husband was released from jail, and news coverage of that was noted and remembered by Penne Laingen, whose husband was U.S. ambassador to Iran in 1979 and one of the Iran hostages taken in the embassy on Nov. 4. Her yellow ribbon in his honor was written up in the Dec. 10, 1979, "Washington Post." When the hostage families organized as the Family Liaison Action Group (FLAG), they took the yellow ribbon as their symbol. The ribbons revived in the 1991 Gulf War and again during the 2000s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
来自百度百科:“1971年10月14日《纽约时报》 刊登了一篇小说:长途车上坐着一位沉默不语的男子,在同车的年轻游客的盘问下终于开了口。原来他刚从监狱出来,释放前曾写信给妻子,如果她已另有归宿,他也不责怪她,如果她还爱着他,愿着他回去,就在镇口的老橡树上系一根黄丝带,如果没有黄丝带,他就会随车而去,永远不会去打扰她。。。。。。汽车快到目的地了,远远望去,镇口的老橡树上挂了几十上百条黄丝带,车上的乘客都欢呼起来。”后来在1979年伊朗美国大使馆人质危机的时候,人们挂上黄丝带期盼亲友平安,因此赋予了黄丝带新的内涵。
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